RankBrainis a new subsystem of algorithms that Google uses to deliver search results to the SERPs. But how does Google’s artificial intelligence work?
What is RankBrain and how does it work?
RankBrainis a subsystem of algorithms that evolves and “learns” through machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The Internet giant Google reveals as little about the exact mechanisms that lie behind the AI as they reveal about the details of their updates.
However, what is known and officially confirmed is the following information: RankBrain uses AI to embed language into mathematical entities What is the purpose behind it? AI should be able to answer self-contained cross-reference search queries in language form that have never been asked before. The focus in this regard should be on longtail keywords or entire phrases.
What does that mean for search engine optimization?
Even though Rankbrain is still in its infancy, according to Google, it already has great relevance for the sorting of search results.
In turn, this means that the search engine is increasingly placing emphasis on speech signals. In the medium term, this will also affect the design of website structures and content. So it is reasonable to assume that short and succinct content may rank better in the future than longer ones. More details can be confirmed only after detailed analysis.
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